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(More customer reviews)With or without God was not what I had expected in a book titled with or without God. Mhlaba frequently refers to his youth and early life with the Zulus of Zimbabwe. In fact the very first chapter appears to be an introduction to an autobiography. The reader soon realizes however that this is necessary in order to reveal the deep rooted beliefs of his tribal ancestors and how such attitudes shape the rest of his life. Mhlaba like many of us questions whether there is a god or not and looks to the stories, myths, practices and beliefs of all cultures in order to try and answer this age old question.
He has a keen, questioning scientific mind and in chapters attacks his quest with analytical precision and the fully referenced scientific inquiry that one would expect from a respected fellow PHD. Yet in other chapters it is the voice of the boy from Zimbabwe interviewing his Mother about spirits attempting to shed light on the mysteries of the other life. This is a fascinating book of duality arguing both for and against the existence of spirits and God with compelling evidence that makes the spirit world seem very real to the reader.
Secular TruthfulnessThe Misinformed of God
Hannah Orion author of The Misinformed of God
Click Here to see more reviews about: With or Without God: Life's Mysteries Continue Ruminations on God, Life, Death, Spirits, Reincarnation and the Future of Humankind
Sooner or later, we all face the questions explored in With or Without God, Life's Mysteries Continue, questions about the purpose of life, human mortality, spirituality, God, and life beyond the grave. The title conveys the author's tentativeness, perhaps humility. There are no postulates here, no truths to be revealed. These are ruminations.What makes these ruminations notable is that they are those of a man who, in his own words, "has traversed centuries of human experience in 66 years" and, in the process, acquired a unique perspective on life and nature. Mhlaba grew up in Zimbabwe, in what he calls a pre-modern age. He has lived in fear of spooks and ghosts, worshipping ancestral spirits, and was "subject to the tyranny of witches and the machinations of unseen forces." He could have easily remained in that life as his forebears had done before him. Fortunately, his parents understood that he and his siblings would live much of their lives in a changed world, and prepared them through education.The book ends with a fascinating look into the future of humankind, taking the reader through uncharted territory and a new sense of awe about the meaning of life and what may lie beyond.Mhlaba went on to earn a Ph.D. and taught physics and mathematics at university level. He now lives in Newton, Massachusetts, with his wife, Nancy. They have four grown children. Mhlaba is currently writing a book on global governance.Publisher's website:http://www.eloquentbooks.com/WithOrWithoutGod-LifesMysteriesContinue.html
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