Lemurian Scrolls: Angelic Prophecies Revealing Human Origins Review

Lemurian Scrolls: Angelic Prophecies Revealing Human Origins
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I have just read the Lemurian Scrolls and I am amazed and pleased and totally in tune with the material. I've spent thirty plus years doing past life consultation (approximately 50,000 to date). Plus I've taught classes, seminars and retreats. But I've never found as complete a book on many important pieces of information as Lemurian Scrolls. The Lemurian Scrolls will enlighten all who read it and it will become a "Source" that will constantly be referred to by serious students, teachers, leaders and metaphysical and spiritual groups. I've told many clients and students about their origin from the Pleiades, and it's exciting to know that we've discovered the Eighth Sister (only one more to find in the next century). It's now time for the people on Earth to remember who they were and what their original purpose is about. There are a few who are remembering their origin and what their purpose is on Planet Terra (Earth). As they awaken they will start to awaken others and they in turn will awaken others, etc. When humankind gave up their "spiritual bodies" and took on earthling bodies, they forgot who they really were. Now is the time for them to reawaken, so they can help the rest of the people on the planet. The time is now! Thank you so much for the wonderful information in your book! It has also opened up many new doorways for me.

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The Lemurian Shastras, which make up the first half ofthese scrolls, unfold a remarkable story of how souls journeyed toEarth in their subtle bodies some four million years ago. Thenarrators of the ancient texts explain that civilization on theirnative planets had reached a point of such peacefulness that spiritualevolution had come to a standstill. They needed a "fire planet," suchas Earth, to continue their unfoldment into the ultimateattainment--realization of the Self within. To persist in the lushatmosphere, genderless, organic bodies were formed throughfood-offering ceremonies. Later, through a slow process of mutation,the fleshy bodies we know today as human were established as vehiclesfor reincarnation. As the book progresses, a diminishing of thespiritual forces radiating from the Central Sun of the galaxy isdescribed. As spiritual awareness wanes, the life force of man,kundalini, sleeps and instinctive desire manifests in abundance. Theseamazing chronicles of early man's life on Earth are told fromwithin great, walled monasteries where narrators look back and forwardat the same time, often reading from ancient texts, describing thedaily life of those within and outside these sacred citadels. Thetheme throughout is to continue channeling the pristine spiritualvibration from the Central Sun as long as possible and to preserve theLemurian culture, its wisdom and knowledge for generations far intothe future. This, under the guidance of powerful gurus working closelywith great Gods, was the spiritual mission of the dedicated monasticsof these eras. Largely it was done by implanting sacred writings inthe akasha by mystical means.The Dravidian Shastras, which make up the second half of LemurianScrolls, will interest you from the point of view of how humans livedat the end of the Dvapara Yuga, their society, internal and externalgovernment, the culture of those early years on the Earth and how someof it carried forth to this very day. Our narrators explain that itwas in the far distant past that the people who formed societiesrealized they needed group spiritual guidance. This group guidance is,to this day, recognized as a viable form of community andleadership. Examples that come to mind are the Dalai Lama's Tibet,where something like one-third of the social order is a monasticgroup, serving the religious and political needs of the two-thirdsfamily group. Thus their society was transparently stable for hundredsand hundreds of years. This and other societies, such as villages inEurope, where monks and nuns were valued, were settled with a certainpercent of monastics who served the religious needs of the otherresidents. The division of lay community and monastic communityresults in a wealthy, highly productive, harmonious society. We learnin the Dravidian Shastras just how this was accomplished in the long,long ago. It is prophesied that sustainable societies will once againemerge when mankind returns to the wise protocols of these earliertimes, where spiritual men and women, spiritual principles andspiritual sharing guided both individual and society, where religiousleaders were valued and sought after, for the populace knew that ifthey could be engaged in the social effort, they would lend it a lightand wisdom that would not otherwise be available or important. Theselast sixteen chapters of Lemurian Scrolls explain the procedures ofmanagement, their gurus and their protocol. We can see its wisdomreally worked, and our monastic order endeavored to emulate it as muchas was possible in this modern, diverse age where divisions arenormally accepted as signs of an advancing civilization and religion is considered an interference with scientific points of view.Migrating to this planet in their subtle bodies, many of our forebearers traveled through the Sun. The beginnings of mankind's mission on this planet came in a far-away time, when the atmosphere was dense with waters and gases. Flowers and animals were larger and more exotic than today. At first, the transformation from etheric to physical form was difficult, but ceremonies evolved which, using the fragrances of fruits and flowers, brought devotionally to special pedestals, assisted in bringing through beings who absorbed these organic essences to materialize a denser, earthly, fibrous body. These beings loved the many jewels and golden ornaments that were crafted to bedeck and help support their flexible forms. Human life did not evolve from lesser earthly species.Yugas before mankind arrived on Earth, celestial beings in wingless spacecraft spread seeds from other planets. Souls arriving in the last Sat Yuga eventually formed monasteries in which experiments were conducted into the nature of life, designing forms it should take on this planet. Their flexible bodies were light and easily flew in the dense air. Occasionally, one would be devoured by an animal, thus capturing this soul in the incarnation cycle of that species. Through the long mutative process of repeatedly reentering these instinctive bodies, they finally cultivated a body similar to, yet cruder than, the first fibrous bodies. To release a soul caught in an animal reincarnation cycle into human birth, ceremonial sacrifice was conducted, with the knowledge and silent consent of the animal. Fruits, honey, milk, nuts and seeds formed the basis of the pure and simple Lemurian diet. A most delectable dish called Lemurian prasadam was prepared daily in large vats, made of various combinations of fresh milk products such as yogurt, along with several fresh fruits, dates, nuts, seeds and honey from the bees, all gathered from the forests and fields in large baskets--mixed together and eaten from natural goards. It was a sattvic and invigorating meal, especially for those who deeply meditated. This was all they consumed day after day. To help keep the body flexible and easy to live in, exercises were performed at dawn, noon and sunset. Working with mental powers, they provided equilibrium for the planet, and nearly everything could be done with the mind, even moving and lifting things.

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